cassette deck is a music blog by Rach. Rach is me. I co-host an indie rock radio show on KTCU, FM 88.7 in Fort Worth, Texas. Exposing myself to new music is both an obsessive hobby and a necessity. This blog is an outlet for me to share the music I discover with friends and passers-by. Enjoy!
The music found on this blog is intended for sampling purposes only. If you
dig what you hear, I encourage you to purchase the artist's music and generally support them in
a monetary way. If you own the copyright to an mp3 found on this blog and would like it
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ma'am!" and I will remove it post-haste.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
"If you're lookin' for a hand to hold / you know, you were a long way off"
The lyrics of Ghosty's "Big Surrender", accompanied by sparkling guitar and plodding bass, is refreshingly blunt for the indie pop sort. Plus, the sing-along worthy melody makes it pretty darn infectious. Stream it at Ghosty's myspace; I'll post it as soon as I figure out what's wrong with my FTP space.
The earnestness of Ghosty carries over into their acoustically driven songs like "I Know What's Best." Likeable vocals, accompanying piano, and shaker give it a little alt-country vibe toward the end. Interestingly enough, "Gone to Stay" sounds like it could have perhaps been a Carole King song once upon a time. Maybe that's just me.
Ghosty will be opening for Rogue Wave on June 28th in Denver at Larimer Lounge. July 22nd, they'll open for The Starlight Mints at Jackpot Saloon in Lawrence, Kansas.