a l l  e a r s  o n  d e c k !
cassette deck is a music blog by Rach. Rach is me. I co-host an indie rock radio show on KTCU, FM 88.7 in Fort Worth, Texas. Exposing myself to new music is both an obsessive hobby and a necessity. This blog is an outlet for me to share the music I discover with friends and passers-by. Enjoy!

c o n t a c t
thecassettedeck at gmail.com
aim: thecassettedeck

E-mail me if you heard something nifty and want to share, or if you're an artist looking for love (in all the right places.) I eat new music daily.

p r e v i o u s   p o s t s
The Republic Tigers and oh, I am sleeeepy
My Case for Case
Full Anathallo Interview & Performance Now Available
Anathallo Live at KTCU
Stream of Unconsciousness: Shedding Prejudices
In Defense of Sufjan Stevens
Ack, Panties
The Channels
Morning Mix

a r c h i v e s
June 2006 July 2006 May 2007

m u s i c   b l o g s
Music Gluttons
music (for robots)
What Noisy Cats Are We
Brooklyn Vegan
You Ain't No Picasso
Badminton Stamps
DIY Rockstar
Dreams of Horses
Aquarium Drunkard
One Foot Off The Platform

m o r e   d e t o u r s
The Hype Machine
Pitchfork Media
mp3 blogs

The music found on this blog is intended for sampling purposes only. If you dig what you hear, I encourage you to purchase the artist's music and generally support them in a monetary way. If you own the copyright to an mp3 found on this blog and would like it removed, please contact me and say "HEY! No ma'am!" and I will remove it post-haste.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The Republic Tigers and oh, I am sleeeepy

I don't know about you folks, but sleep hasn't been a priority lately. You'd think that summer would yield those nice 11 hour shifts of rapid eye movement, but when you're a Fort Worth socialite like me (ha), you don't get the shuteye you require.

So, here's a nice not-quite-soporific, yet certainly soothing track by The Republic Tigers, signed to the fledgling OxBlood Records (with label-mates Ghosty, another recent favorite.) The drum track on "Made Concrete," accompanied by several melodic strains of barely-decipherable lyrics remind me very much of Pinback and The Helio Sequence. Excellent summer driving (or in my case, bike-riding) music.

In 45 minutes, I'm going to take a beautiful nap.

+ The Republic Tigers - Made Concrete


Thursday, May 24, 2007


Oh, Cassette Deck blog, how I've missed you.

Funny how summer project/obsessions slip through the cracks when "real comittments" spring up. You know--a full courseload, two jobs, some cobbled-together effort at social interaction. Well! Now it's summer again, and I've retired to my hermitage (the office where I work.) It's the place where the chairs are ass-ache inducing and the glow of the computer screen offsets any sun-coloring I might achieve in the Outside World. (Gee, it sure iss bright out there!)

I'd like to share some moderately interesting developments that happened over the course of the year, as this blog lied dormant and dusty:
  • My earnest efforts at promoting the ol' blog have somewhat paid off. I get regular e-mails and mp3's from a few promotion groups, perhaps due in part to my short stint as a KTCU Modern Rock manager. (A position well worth holding, if you're not drowning in more "pressing matters", such as not failing classes, and not going broke and hungry. Thusly, I abdicated my barely warm throne. Shameful.)
  • Last fall saw the birth of my indie rock radio show, co-hosted with best lady Leslie, and also lovingly titled The Cassette Deck. (myspace) Tying the show in with the blog was a vision not fully realized, but judging by the trickle of e-mails I've received from artists hoping to be played on the air, I'm envisioning some corresponding write-ups here in the near future.
So, without further ado, I will more vigilantly post music and reflections upon it. Let's see how this goes.