a l l  e a r s  o n  d e c k !
cassette deck is a music blog by Rach. Rach is me. I co-host an indie rock radio show on KTCU, FM 88.7 in Fort Worth, Texas. Exposing myself to new music is both an obsessive hobby and a necessity. This blog is an outlet for me to share the music I discover with friends and passers-by. Enjoy!

c o n t a c t
thecassettedeck at gmail.com
aim: thecassettedeck

E-mail me if you heard something nifty and want to share, or if you're an artist looking for love (in all the right places.) I eat new music daily.

p r e v i o u s   p o s t s
Morning Mix
The Millennium
The Online Romance
Under The Influence Of Giants ... and mannequins
Epsilons Quash Mavericks Woes
Alaska (or if you are so inclined: alaska!)
The Lord Henry
Hey, Lloyd! Camera Obscura In-Studio and Tour Dates

a r c h i v e s
June 2006 July 2006 May 2007

m u s i c   b l o g s
Music Gluttons
music (for robots)
What Noisy Cats Are We
Brooklyn Vegan
You Ain't No Picasso
Badminton Stamps
DIY Rockstar
Dreams of Horses
Aquarium Drunkard
One Foot Off The Platform

m o r e   d e t o u r s
The Hype Machine
Pitchfork Media
mp3 blogs

The music found on this blog is intended for sampling purposes only. If you dig what you hear, I encourage you to purchase the artist's music and generally support them in a monetary way. If you own the copyright to an mp3 found on this blog and would like it removed, please contact me and say "HEY! No ma'am!" and I will remove it post-haste.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Channels

I am back, wholly, completely, and relieved to be in one piece. The 13 hour drive to Chicago (and back again!) with several bodies and two dogs of varying size is daunting, but doable. It was nice to see family, despite the circumstances, and I was able to partake in some sinful deep dish stuffed pizza. Nothing can top Chicago-style pizza. NO THING.

For your listening pleasure, some fun upbeat guitar and synth-driven power pop crafted by The Channels. I will compare them to the Snow Patrol, Grandaddy, and The Velvet Teen. So, there.

"You make me so very happy" is the looping mantra of "Fluoxetine", whereas the lyrical content of "Frogs" is...

"I believe in God because I am really afraid of frogs
Frogs have mean velocity, I don't want them raining down on me"

I can't help but imagine it as an obnoxiously obvious diegetic soundtrack to the final scenes of Magnolia. Har har.

+ The Channels - Fluoxetine
+ The Channels - Frogs
+ The Channels - The Moon Song

Purchase music by The Channels | The Channels MySpace | The Channels website