a l l  e a r s  o n  d e c k !
cassette deck is a music blog by Rach. Rach is me. I co-host an indie rock radio show on KTCU, FM 88.7 in Fort Worth, Texas. Exposing myself to new music is both an obsessive hobby and a necessity. This blog is an outlet for me to share the music I discover with friends and passers-by. Enjoy!

c o n t a c t
thecassettedeck at gmail.com
aim: thecassettedeck

E-mail me if you heard something nifty and want to share, or if you're an artist looking for love (in all the right places.) I eat new music daily.

p r e v i o u s   p o s t s
The Lord Henry
Hey, Lloyd! Camera Obscura In-Studio and Tour Dates
The Donkeys
Quaint Beginnings

a r c h i v e s
June 2006 July 2006 May 2007

m u s i c   b l o g s
Music Gluttons
music (for robots)
What Noisy Cats Are We
Brooklyn Vegan
You Ain't No Picasso
Badminton Stamps
DIY Rockstar
Dreams of Horses
Aquarium Drunkard
One Foot Off The Platform

m o r e   d e t o u r s
The Hype Machine
Pitchfork Media
mp3 blogs

The music found on this blog is intended for sampling purposes only. If you dig what you hear, I encourage you to purchase the artist's music and generally support them in a monetary way. If you own the copyright to an mp3 found on this blog and would like it removed, please contact me and say "HEY! No ma'am!" and I will remove it post-haste.

Friday, June 16, 2006


Yes, Anathallo has been posted a bit in the mp3 blog sphere, but they're fairly new to me and I'm impressed with what I've heard. And, they're touring at the moment, so...it's timely!

Anathallo crafts their songs with an epic mentality, undaunted by switching time signatures and tempos at will. The indie-rock collective incorporates eclectic sounds--an array of horns, bells, hand claps, tapping, stomping, etc.--into the "standard" rock getup, creating a rich and fascinating listening experience. From beautiful vocal harmonies and sweeping piano to heavily percussive upbeat anthems, you can tell at first listen that Anathallo strives to deviate from the norm. Dare I make the Polyphonic Spree comparison? (sans the white tunics, sun-worshipping schtick, and Volkswagen commercial.)

On their track Hanasakajijii (One: The Angry Neighbor), the swiftly-delivered vocals and choral section remind me of Sufjan Stevens's heavily layered, beautiful sounds. Never a bad thing!

Anathallo's 2006 release, "Floating World", is now available in stores across the country, and is definitely a recommended listen.

We're hoping to book an in-studio with Anathallo here at KTCU in July, when they'll be in town to play at the Gypsy Tea Room in Dallas on July 18th. Very exciting! I'm rather curious to see how they pull off their material live.

Anathallo is touring June through August with The Format and Street To Nowhere. Dates are listed on their myspace and website.

+ Anathallo - A Great Wind More Ash
+ Anathallo - Hoodwink
+ Anathallo - Gary and Marcus

Purchase music by Anathallo | Anathallo myspace | Anathallo website